Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is Khon Kaen like?

Precious phoths from,,110172.0.html
On the 20th December 1972 his Majesty, King Bhumibol Adulyadej proceeded to open the great building that is Khon Kaen National museum, located in the municipality of Khon Kaen in the northeast of the city. The museum is the only tourist attraction in the city and has become very popular amongst students that want to study traditional Thai culture or an attraction for tourists.
Khon Kaen National Museum staff have been tirelessly collecting plenty art objects and information from the Northeast area so that visitors will gain a far broader understanding about the events that occurred in the northeast territory. There are many artifacts displayed within the museum, most of them were excavated by archaeologists and other artifacts moved from the national museum Bangkok such as the pottery Debheeongs (ceramic ware items for decorating in above the gate door enter the ancient castle ) , Different sizes of Bai sema (ceramic ware items for decorating in the corner edge of the roof of ancient castle)from all the provinces in the northeast , antiquities from the Ban chiang ,Muang fa daet song yang ,Muang Nakhon Champa si and Kantharawichai( all of them is ancient city ), displayed at the first floor. The second floor area was divided into 2 sections the one is Tarawadee and Lopburi art,the another is the art objects from ancient kingdoms: the Chiang saen and Rattanagosin period.
Due to the many amazing displays on show there has been a massive rise in foreign and local people visiting the museum. Having such an increase has led to the museum becoming greatly overcrowded during opening times. In order to cope with higher level of guests coming, it was decided that the museum should be renovated. Expansion in the west area has greatly eased the problem. Now boasting a larger capacity, it gives people a more enjoyable experience. The dinosaur exhibition would continue to be displayed for everybody interested.
Admission costs 30 baht and opening times are Wednesday – Sunday (9am – 4pm.)
More info please contact 043-246170
The article composed edited by Napol and Ryan,บทความภาษาอังกฤษโดย ณพล กฤษณะภูติ ตรวจโดยเพื่อน ไรอั่น

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thailand Travel - 10 Interesting Facts About Thailand By James Burrows Platinum Quality Author

It's certainly the mesmeric land of Thais that attracts more visitants than any other country in the Southeast Asia. Thailand is the country known for beguiling scenic beauty, stunning beaches, impressing culture, commendable hospitality, fantastic temples, ruins & souvenirs of fabulous ancient kingdoms, gastronomic riches, and lovely, smiling, and welcoming people.

Thailand certainly the destination that appeals you, bewitches you, captivates you, enthralls you....! It's the place that makes you visit it again and again. It's the vacation destination that you dream of. Surely, you can find oodles of interesting things in Thailand, but here are the 10 most interesting facts about Thailand.

It is often nicknamed as the "Land Of Smiles," because of the perceived gentleness of its people. The country is really populated by smiling, inviting, and receiving people. Thais are really gentle, polite, soft spoken, friendly, and hospitable human beings.

Siam was the old name of Thailand. It was the official name of the country until 1949, when it was changed to Thailand by official proclamation. 'Thai' in the Thai language means 'freedom'. So, Thailand means "land of freedom" or "land of the free".

The Mon ruled over what is now known as Thailand. The area was also held by Khmer. The Mon Empire was a great Buddhist empire, and the empire had trading relations with Indians for centuries.

Thailand retains much of its original culture, because it is the only Southeast Asian nation that has never been colonized. Thai culture is kin to the Cambodian culture & religion, which was adopted by Thais in the 13th century, after the fall of the Khmer Kingdom.

King Rama I, the founder of the Chakri Dynasty, established Bangkok as the capital in 1782. Bhumibol Adulyadej, the current King of Thailand, is also a Chakri Dynasty ruler. He is also known as Rama IX. He is the longest serving monarch in the Thai history.

95% of the Thai people are Buddhists of the Theravada tradition. 4.6% of the people are Muslims. Malays are mainly concentrated on the southern tip of Thailand. 0.75% of the people are Christians, mainly Catholics. Sikhs & Hindus are tiny, but influential. The nation also has a small Jewish community.

Thailand is also known as the "Land of white Elephant." White elephants were highly esteemed and valued by the Thai Rulers. Elephants are still highly revered in Thailand. They are considered as the symbol of peace and prosperity.

Thais do not like someone touching them on head. They believe that soul, which is considered extremely sacred, resides in head. So, don't ever touch a Thai on the head, not even a Thai child.

Thailand is the 49th country area wise, with its total land area of 514,000 km² (198,000 sq mi). It is comparable to the size of France, and it is somewhat larger than the California State of the United States.

Thailand has 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which include Ban Chiang Archaeological Site near Udon Thani, Dong Phayayen - Khao Yai Forest Complex, Historic City of Ayutthaya & Associated Historic Towns, Historic Town of Sukhothai & Associated Historic Towns - including Kampang Phet and Si Satchanalai, and Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries.

Author writes for Holiday Velvet, a website providing listings for Hotels, Villas, Holiday villas in Thailand, and Holiday villas worldwide.

Article Source:

Excellent Thailand Guides For Your Perfect Trip By Bernie Chan

 ขอบคุณรูปภาพจาก;Thanks for precious phoths from,,,,,

Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries in South East Asia. The country is often referred to as the golden land, partly because there is gold buried underground and partly because the country has certain charm that will immediately engage visitors. There are many Thailand guides on the Internet which will familiarize you with the country. This article will show you some of the noticeable features of Thailand so that you can plan your trip perfectly.
In Thailand, the cool season runs from November to the end of February. This is the best time to visit the country since the weather is great and the temperature is ideal for travelling. This period is also the peak tourist season. Therefore, if you plan to visit Thailand during this period, be prepared to meet many new friends. And to prevent being turned down by hotels because there is not enough room, you should book your room in advance.
This is not only to guarantee that you will have somewhere to stay, but you will also get some promotional rates up to 70% for your advance booking.
When you visit Thailand, you can not overlook Bangkok. Bangkok is the central city of Thailand and more than that.
There are gleaming shopping centers, screaming traffic of a modern city together with the devout Buddhism of a religious land.
Chiang Mai is famous for its representative features of Thai culture. You will be able to follow a cooking class or language lesson or climb the mountain ranges Mae Hong Son.
You will be able to experience a unique trip when you travel to Thailand. Several Thailand guides will help you get started in planning your trip. Remember to bring a cam-coder or camera as you will feel the need to take a shot or to record a scenery. Thai people are very friendly. They will be your great help in case you get lost. You should also prepare a local map to navigate through the area.
For more information about Thailand, you can visit

Thailand Communication and Culture - What to Do When You Meet Thai People

If you are going to visit Thailand or meet with Thai people, you may wonder what to do to make a good impression. Thailand communication technique should be used so that you can converse with them amicably. Here are some of the tips that you can use including:
1 Say Hello in Thai:
Thai people use Sawad Dee as greeting words. If you are male, put Krub at the end of your sentence. If you are a female, put Ka instead. So, you can practice saying Sawas Dee Krub or Sawad Dee Ka now. The people you say to will say back the same thing. When you say this, you can nod your head a little to make your gesture even friendlier.
2 Do the famous "Wai":
This gesture can be done by putting your palms together in a prayer-like manner and bow slightly. It is customary for the younger or lower in status to begin the greeting with the words Sawad Dee. When taking leave, the same words saying and procedure is repeated. If you are greeted with a Wai from someone, you should reply with the same gesture. You don't have to return a Wai to a small child. Think of a Wai as you would a handshake. You should initiate a Wai with a sincere pleasure at an introduction.
3 Men do not touch women:
Still, Thailand communication and culture is quite conservative when it comes to the treatment between the two sexes. People do not shake hands and they do not touch the opposite sex if it is not necessary. For male, don't be surprised if you offer a handshake to a lady and do not get one back. It is not you but the culture.
There are many things to learn regarding Thailand communication and culture. Some of them may be similar to the western culture but many of them aren't. To learn this take some time but you will be able to understand it in the end.
Want to know more about Thailand? Learn out here for free at
Thailand Attractions


พระธาตุขามแก่น เสียงแคนดอกคูน ศูนย์รวมผ้าไหม ร่วมใจผูกเสี่ยว เที่ยวขอนแก่นนครใหญ่
ไดโนเสาร์สิรินธรเน่ สุดเท่เหรียญทองมวยโอลิมปิก

หากจะอ้างถึงประวัติของจังหวัดขอนแก่นซึ่งเริ่มก่อตั้ง เป็นเมืองมาตั้งแต่สมัยรัชกาลที่ 1 อายุเพียงแค่สองร้อยกว่าปีก็คงจะกล่าวไม่ได้ว่าเป็นเมืองเก่า แต่ที่จริงแล้วดินแดนบนที่ราบสูงแห่งนี้มีประวัติศาสตร์ที่ยาวนานมากไม่ว่า จะเป็นทางธรรมชาติ หรือทางอารยธรรม ดังที่มีการค้นพบซากสิ่งมีชีวิตดึกดำบรรพ์อายุนับล้านปี พบชุมชนเมืองโบราณสมัยก่อนประวัติศาสตร์หลายแห่ง ตลอดจนปราสาทขอมสมัยพุทธศตวรรษที่ 18 ด้วยอารยธรรมที่สั่งสมมาตั้งแต่สมัยก่อนประวัติศาสตร์ สิ่งที่พบที่นี่ไม่ว่าจะเป็น วัฒนธรรม ประเพณี โบราณสถานต่างๆ จึงล้วนเป็นส่วนหนึ่งที่สะท้อนให้ทราบความเป็นมาของคนไทยและชาติไทย

ขอนแก่นไม่เพียงจะเป็นศูนย์กลางของภาคอีสานโดยเหตุผลทางภูมิศาสตร์เท่านั้น แต่ยังเป็นศูนย์กลางทางการศึกษาและเทคโนโลยี ด้วยเป็นที่ตั้งของมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ระบบสาธารณูปโภค และสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกต่างๆ ภายในอำเภอเมืองรถโดยสารประจำทางวิ่งบริการหลายสาย มีที่พักบริการหลายระดับตั้งแต่ห้องพักราคาย่อมเยาว์ ไปจนถึงโรงแรมระดับห้าดาว สิ่งเหล่านี้ล้วนเป็นปัจจัยที่ส่งเสริมศักยภาพทางการท่องเที่ยวด้วย ขอนแก่นมีพื้นที่ประมาณ 10,885 ตารางกิโลเมตร


ทิศเหนือ ติดกับจังหวัดอุดรธานี หนองบัวลำภูและเลย
ทิศใต้ ติดกับจังหวัดนครราชสีมาและบุรีรัมย์
ทิศตะวันออก ติดกับจังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ และมหาสารคาม
ทิศตะวันตก ติดกับจังหวัดเพชรบูรณ์และชัยภูมิ


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ตำรวจท่องเที่ยว โทร. 1155, 0 4322 6195-6
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เทศบาลนครขอนแก่น โทร. 0 4322 1185 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0 4322 1185 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, 0 4322 4032 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0 4322 4032 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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ข้อมูลจาก การท่องเที่ยวแห่งประเทศไทย